宋佳明,四川巴中人,理学博士,含弘研究员,博士生导师。长期从事作物功能基因组学研究,围绕粮油作物重要农艺性状形成的遗传基础与演化规律开展系列研究。研究成果以第一或通讯作者在Nature Plants, The Plant Cell, Molecular Plant, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Plant Physiology等国际知名刊物发表,2篇入选ESI热点论文。入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”项目,担任中国生化学会农业分会青年委员,Front Plant Sci编辑、Genome Biol、Plant Commun、Hortic Res等杂志审稿人。
1. 油菜耐密高产基因挖掘和分子机制解析
2. 优异种质资源形成与演化机制
3. 基因组大数据辅助设计育种平台
2019.02-2020.02:美国亚利桑那大学,基因组学,博士联培(导师:Rod A. Wing/张建伟)
1. Song, J. M.#, Guan, Z.#, Hu, J.#, Guo, C., Yang, Z., Wang, S., Liu, D., Wang, B., Lu, S., Zhou, R., Xie, W. Z., Cheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, K.*, Yang, Q. Y.*, Chen, L. L.* & Guo, L.* (2020). Eight high-quality genomes reveal pan-genome architecture and ecotype differentiation of Brassica napus. Nature Plants, 1-12. (ESI热点论文,ResearchGate统计引用455次)
2. Song, J. M.#, Xie, W. Z.#, Wang, S.#, Guo, Y. X., Koo, D. H., Kudrna, D., Gong, C., Huang, Y., Feng, J. W., Zhang, W., Zhou, Y., Zuccolo, A., Long, E., Lee, S., Talag, J., Zhou, R., Zhu, X.T., Yuan, D., Udall, J., Xie, W., Wing R. A., Zhang Q., Poland J., Zhang J.*, Chen L. L.* (2021). Two gap-free reference genomes and a global view of the centromere architecture in rice. Molecular Plant, 14(10), 1757–1767. (ESI热点论文)
3. Song, J. M., Lei, Y., Shu, C. C., Ding, Y., Xing, F., Liu, H., Wang, J., Zhang, J. W.* & Chen, L.L.* (2018). Rice Information GateWay: a comprehensive bioinformatics platform for indica rice genomes. Molecular Plant, 11(3), 505-507.
4. Song, J. M.#, Liu, D. X.#, Xie, W. Z., Yang, Z., Guo, L., Liu, K., Yang, Q. Y.*, & Chen, L. L.* (2021). BnPIR: Brassica napus pan-genome information resource for 1689 accessions. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 19(3), 412–414.
5. Zhong, Y.#, Luo, Y.#, Sun, J.#, Qin, X., Gan, P., Zhou, Z., Qian, Q., Zhao, R., Zhao, Z., Cai, W., Luo, J.*, Chen, L.L.*, Song, J. M.* (2024). Pan-transcriptomic analysis of rice under cold stress reveals alternative splicing control of cold tolerance. The Plant Cell, koae039.
1. Xu, X. D., Zhao, R. P., Xiao, L., Lu, L., Gao, M., Luo, Y. H., Zhou, Z. W., Ye, S. Y., Qian, Y. Q., Fan, B. L., Shang, X., Shi, P., Zeng, W., Cao, S., Wu, Z., Yan, H. *, Chen, L. L. *, & Song, J. M.* (2023). Telomere-to-telomere assembly of cassava genome reveals the evolution of cassava and divergence of allelic expression. Horticulture Research, 10(11), uhad200.
2. Wang, S.#, Qian, Y. Q.#, Zhao, R. P., Chen, L. L.*, & Song, J. M.* (2023). Graph-based pan-genomes: increased opportunities in plant genomics. Journal of Experimental Botany,74(1), 24–39.
3. Zheng, Y. Y.#, Chen, L. H.#, Fan, B. L.#, Xu, Z., Wang, Q., Zhao, B. Y., Gao, M., Yuan, M. H., Tahir Ul Qamar, M., Jiang, Y., Yang, L., Wang, L., Li, W., Cai, W., Ma, C., Lu, L., Song, J. M.*, & Chen, L. L.* (2023). Integrative multi-omics profiling of passion fruit reveals the genetic basis for fruit color and aroma. Plant Physiology, kiad640.
4. Xie, W. Z.#, Zheng, Y. Y.#, He, W., Bi, F., Li, Y., Dou, T., Zhou, R., Guo, Y. X., Deng, G., Zhang, W., Yuan, M. H., Sanz-Jimenez, P., Zhu, X. T., Xu, X. D., Zhou, Z. W., Zhou, Z. W., Feng, J. W., Liu, S., Li, C., Yang, Q., Hu, C., Gao, H., Dong, T., Dang, J., Guo, Q., Cai, W., Zhang, J., Yi, G., Song, J. M.*, Sheng, O. *, and Chen, L. L. * (2023). Two haplotype-resolved genome assemblies for AAB allotriploid bananas provide insights into banana subgenome asymmetric evolution and Fusarium wilt control. Plant Communications, 100766.
5. Wang, S.#, Qian, Y. Q.#, Zhao, R. P., Chen, L. L.*, & Song, J. M.* (2023). Graph-based pan-genomes: increased opportunities in plant genomics. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74(1), 24–39.
6. Zhou, Z. W., Yu, Z. G., Huang, X. M., Liu, J. S., Guo, Y. X., Chen, L. L.*, & Song, J. M.* (2022). GenomeSyn: a bioinformatics tool for visualizing genome synteny and structural variations. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 49(12), 1174–1176.
7. Song, J. M.#, Zhang, Y.#, Zhou, Z. W., Lu, S., Ma, W., Lu, C., Chen, L. L.*, & Guo, L.* (2022). Oil plant genomes: current state of the science. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(9), 2859–2874.
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